Sleep chart by age and wake up time
Sleep chart by age and wake up time

sleep chart by age and wake up time

  • I would not wake my child up from a nap unless I have proof that letting her sleep is interfering with more consolidated night time sleep.
  • 9-11 months plenty of teething and motor development.
  • During this period there are many changes in sleep.
  • sleep chart by age and wake up time

  • At this age it is rare that your child is on a “fixed schedule” where 9 am is nap time.
  • Your child is between the ages of 4 months and ~14 months, when she starts to transition to 1 nap.
  • At night time, if she’s gaining weight well, I would not wake her up and let your child naturally wake up for a feedīabies on 2-4 naps, ages 4 months to 14 months.
  • You want to stack the calories during the day so she can sleep longer at night.
  • Wake your child up if she’s sleeping longer than 4 hours between feeds during the day.
  • During the day, don’t let her go more than 4-4.5 hours between feeds,.
  • You want to get lots of calories in during the daytime to help with longer stretches of sleep at night time.
  • Do you have actually have a fixed schedule? Your child’s age is a factor Newborns: Your baby is a newborn a couple of months old Do you have proof that letting them sleep will be detrimental to your schedule? For example, will letting the last nap run late interfere with bedtiming?ģ. How old is your baby? Are you in those first few weeks of life and concerned about weight gain? Or is this a toddler who took forever to fall asleep and now is having a late nap? The answer is different for both.Ģ. Here are three questions to ponder when you are jittery with angst and unsure what to do about this long nap or morning “sleep in”.ġ. Let me share with you how I coach a client on these types of scenarios. It’s that feeling of uncertainty that feels terrible! Your child is sleeping so soundly! Maybe too soundly? Anxiety starts to kick in, should you wake your baby if she’s sleeping too long? Should I wake my baby to preserve a schedule?

    Sleep chart by age and wake up time