Dying light trainer lingon 1.5.2
Dying light trainer lingon 1.5.2

dying light trainer lingon 1.5.2

I felt the same way here about the neck and neck trail moves, it’s used so much it becomes pretty redundant and loses any speciality it originally had, and when you have to make three moves per input I can see why. The way the head is used separately to try and combo reminds me of a set called Wang Chan, where the head only came out for a couple moves, partly because of the character but also because just having the head come out to shoot lasers over and over is pretty boring. I couldn’t piece together the playstyle of the set except that she wants to use her head and projectiles together for lockdown. Sekibanki is unfortunately the same deal as Seija in many ways, at least the part where it tries to add on all these extra moves, adding two moves per input and making it very hard to understand. The standards and aerials do all feel like they fit the playstyle though, making use of lingering hitboxes, projectiles and other tools to get the job done. Even allowing them to get unique buffs off of Curse would’ve probably helped. When it comes to the critical side, I would say I wasn’t a fan of the smashes compared to the grab game or specials, they seemed to not get as involved in the playstyle as the throws or even some later aerials and standards. Curse is one of the best implementations I’ve seen of that move, working into both Trevenant’s playstyle and his characterisation. I actually liked Wood Hammer as a core mechanic just for the way it worked, feeling like a better executed Jet Hammer and the buff from Curse also helps. It’s done in a very balanced, reserved way as is typical of your style, showcasing your knowledge of the game and getting in some mechanics that are unique but done in a realistic way. Aside from the grab game that is really cool, the specials and the feel of the set delivers massively on the characterisation by employing passive hitboxes, shadow duplicates and a weakness/strength dichotomy where Trevenant’s presence is felt all over the stage. Trevenant’s a refreshing set from you Joe, not since the days of Barbaracle have I seen you let loose on a mechanic this creative, and it’s very fun. FrozenRoy has made a lot of good Touhou sets over the years and I especially recommend Kaguya as a set that incorporates lots of props but ones that fit the character, bringing them out on suitable inputs, such as using up all the smashes.

dying light trainer lingon 1.5.2

I noticed with this and the other Touhou sets that you try to do mechanics that have multiple moves at a time, but this is very difficult and on something like a Touhou, is especially hard, you end up resorting to throwing in all sorts of props to make up for input space.

dying light trainer lingon 1.5.2

If you could say, hit foes from above who are falling up, that would honestly be a far better central mechanic. You should’ve done something else from the start, such as making her force the foe to fall upwards, I think the way you implemented that was too limited, only lasting half a second. Reversing moves mostly ends up feeling pointless and adding a limited extra move, and the core move itself seems to suffer too. This set’s core mechanic is simply not very fun, and it doesn’t help the later inputs to be interesting. I haven’t read your first Touhou set, but from what I’ve been told, you seemed to go the wrong direction making Seija. Obviously that’s not your fault and I’m impressed how good this set is in spite of the approach you chose, in the end it’s clearly the best way to execute this character. It’s also not the most exciting idea from the start. The real limitation is the difficult genre, eventually there’s a little redundancy, as you present every balanced idea for a momentum set when there’s not that many. I’m a firm believer after reading the set that Kon is well equipped to match against any kind of character despite all the awkwardness inherent to the genre. The barrier is smartly utilized to give him super armour which makes sense for an archetype like this, ultimately giving Kon plenty of options in the ways he can fight. The all-fours stance is very organic and you manage to squeeze all of the potential you can out of combining the momentum and Kon’s basic magic. Kon’s a comparable set to Zodick because of momentum and a large degree of interpretation for a limited power set.

Dying light trainer lingon 1.5.2